Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Freedom with restrictions a commentary on The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece Essay Example
Freedom with restrictions a commentary on The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece Essay In the poem The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece the readers are invited to share the joy and freedom of the cycling the boys are experiencing in summer via various literary devices. Through the use of theme, juxtaposition, repetition and sensory imagery, the poet is able to create a pleasant atmosphere of vigorous youth. However, by mentioning the school studies throughout the poem, Louis MacNiece subtly implies that negative things will always exist, even when we are experiencing the happiest moments in our life. The title of the poem already tells the readers that the focus of the poem is the cyclist, a young boy who is freewheeling down the escarpment (line 1). The very first word of the poem, freewheeling, brings the theme of freedom into this work. By describing the swift movement of the bike and applying the verb in present tense, it creates a continuous and unstoppable impression of the cycling process when the poet sets the action going down a hill. The speed of the bike is emphasized even more when the verb is juxtaposed with the unpassing horse (line 1). Because the boy is riding the bicycle with the pedals at rest, it also gives the feeling that the boy is relaxing so he can enjoy the moment of wind cools the sweat of his neck (line 3) to the fullest. We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom with restrictions a commentary on The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom with restrictions a commentary on The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Freedom with restrictions a commentary on The Cyclist by Louis MacNiece specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Unfortunately, after a few lines later the readers find out although the boy seems to be free, he is still restricted between the horizons brackets (line 6). Brackets, together with chalk in line 2, refers to tools in classroom and grammar lessons in school that keep on occurring in the cycling boys mind even during summer holidays. Here the boy appears to be in an insecure mood that makes him grasp the [handlebars, as if it is] summer (line 4), because he has only mere five minutes (line 7) that completely belong to him to enjoy. The happiness and pleasure brought by freewheeling now appear to be somewhat tragic, as we learn they will not last long. The poem consists of 27 lines that are divided into three stanzas of varying lengths. If the first stanza is mainly devoted to the freedom of the cycling boy, then the second stanzas purpose is to build up the summer atmosphere by using remarkable imagery. In line 11, the phrase glaring, glaring white creates a dazzling effect, reminding of the color of summer sun. The repetition of glaring emphasizes the brightness of the light but gives a sense of danger at the same time too, as it produces an image of a teacher glaring at the student for wasting his time on cycling rather than studying. The heat in the summer time is further highlighted by the image of the grass boil[ing] with grasshoppers (line 13). The verb boil, that expresses the heat needed for liquid to turn into vapor, is so vivid that the readers can almost directly feel the incredibly high temperature. On the other hand, the image of grasshoppers being boiled alive by the heat seems too excessive and brutal, just like the glaring, glaring white light is too bright for people to look at. This exaggerated imagery reflects another restriction shown in the poem that positive things, such as warmth and light that all living creatures need in order to survive, can bring negative effects when being used without a limit. The poem goes on to describe the pleasure the boys are experiencing during summer, whetter through cycling or skateboarding, which the poet illustrates as surf[ing on] dust (line 17) and heat-wave (line 15). The enjambment between the second and third stanza does not seem abrupt, on the contrary, it gives the reader a break to enjoy the moment of hair thrown back (line 16) by the wind. However, right after the imagery full of leisure portraying the boys drink [summer] through closed eyelids (line 20), MacNiece introduces another turning point in the poem. The bell (line 20) obviously referring to the school bell brings the poem back to the school theme. The repetition of left-right-left (line 21 and 23) that describes the pedaling process at the end of the poem significantly contrasts the freewheeling at the beginning of cycling. The fact that the the boy must pedal again (line 22) and meanwhile remembering his forgotten sentence (line 21) indicates the joy the boy experiences in summer holiday will eventually fade away: he has to face the reality of schoolwork and start to study hard when the vacation ends. The poem finishes by referring to the unchangeable movements of the horse in the chalk (line 24). The horse, although much slower than the bike, can be regarded as the ultimate symbol of freedom, as unlike human, particularly the boy whose school will soon start, it moves calmly (repeated three times in line 25, 26 and 27) regardless of tenses and final clauses (line 26). This last juxtaposition of humans restrictions and animals freedom, together with various other literary devices used in this work, marks the final conclusion of this poem written by MacNiece: although we can experience joy and excitement in our lives, we can never truly be free.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Positive learning enviroment Essay Example
Positive learning enviroment Essay Example Positive learning enviroment Essay Positive learning enviroment Essay To be effective in analyzing and evaluating strategies I will require to establish and maintain a positive learning environment (PEEL) within my lessons, I will first establish what constitutes a PEEL through my own understanding including further research. I will then go on to analyses and evaluate the strategies I will use, focusing on the overarching ideas of behavior management (MM) and expectations, safety and assessment. I will link these to the Teachers Standards (TTS) throughout. A PEEL, echoing the words of Jacques and Holland (2007,104), has attractive displays based on hillsides work is tidy has a purposeful atmosphere when children are working promotes children self esteem. This is by no means a definitive list explaining how to create a PEEL, but addresses the important strategies I will use to create a PEEL and discuss throughout this essay. Behavior for learning (FL) must be addressed when discussing how to create a PEEL. Both are high on the agenda of myself as a trainee teacher, the government and teaching unions. The government has given the role of shaping FL to the head teacher of individual schools who is required by the Department for Education (UDF) (2014, 4) to produce a school behavior policy effective as a strategy for establishing and maintaining a PEEL, which sets out procedures to promote good behavior, self-discipline and respect prevent bullying ensure that pupils complete assigned work and which regulate the conduct of pupils. These concepts must be included within each schools behavior policy to create an established expectation of behavior within the school. Looking at the behavior policy of Twofold Junior School (TTS), the school motto is Be proud to shine (TTS, 014,2), this has been developed by the children into a code of conduct summarized by the words Learn, Safe, Happy, Respectful (TTS, 2014, 2), echoing the requirements from the UDF for FL. The TTS behavior policy is vast and encompasses an amalgamation of ideas including behavior management and expectations, reward systems and inappropriate behavior management which will equip me as a trainee teacher to establish and maintain a PEEL within my lessons. Teaching unions to an extent, agree with the concepts outlined above from the UDF. Their interest in FL also aligns itself with the protection of pupils learning and teachers careers. In the National Union for Teachers charter Learning to Behave A Charter for Schools (no date,3) Any behavior that prejudices teaching and learning within schools is unacceptable For some teachers it can be the trigger for leaving the profession. Young people who exhibit unacceptable behavior diminish their own chances as well as those of their peers. Thinking how FL must be established through a government led school behavior policy and how it affects the Jobs of teachers, pupils and their learning through teaching unions it becomes clear how FL must first be established before a PEEL can exist. This is why I will begin with addressing BUM and expectations for a PEEL within this essay. In accordance with TTS of the Teachers Standards (TTS), teachers are to Manage behavior effectively to ensure a good and safe learning environment (UDF,2011,12). Therefore BUM as a strategy for a PEEL is of utmost importance. TATS highlights the need for clear rules and routines accordance with the school behavior policy (UDF,2011,12) rules and routines create and shape the learning environment the way I want it to be. Having experienced how classrooms operate with and without a set rules and routines those with established lassoer rules having a quicker and more resolute way of dealing with inappropriate behavior I understand their need as a BUM tool within the classroom. I have also found through covering classes with a set of classroom rules on the wall, when asking the pupils my expectation of their behavior, they are quick and well equipped to respond. I will begin my teacher training creating a set of rules and routines with the pupils in agreement with Cicadas and Overall (1998,199) that Routines will work better if there is a shared and agreed understanding about them better if the children have helped to set them up. Through creating a set of rules and routines with my pupils, there will be a classroom behavior expectation which reflects the school behavior policy, promotes positive behavior and a feeling of security for the children of what to expect and what my expectations as a teacher are of them. As per Toss behavior policy Children know the consequence of breaking the rules TESTS supports this process which will encourage children to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10) to own their behavior. Classroom rules and routines are extremely useful to maintain PEEL they have been constructed together and can be referred back to throughout the year to reinforce positive behavior. BUM strategies to aid and enforce classroom rules and routines are in great supply from differing praise and rewards systems, to strategies of dealing with inappropriate behavior which are vital in constructing FL and a PEEL. TTS has a long list in its behavior policy to support BUM rewarding positive behavior includes merit marks, stickers, golden time and many more which I can utilize as strategies for FL for a PEEL. I have observed one strategy use throughout Year 3 at TTS of the brick move which highlights good and inappropriate behavior. It is a BUM strategy, which leads to golden time on a Friday afternoon where children can play with toys and sports equipment of their choice a reward for working hard throughout the week. The brick move reward strategy is similar to that of a traffic light system using more Jumps from start to finish. This strategy can be used in a number of ways, moves forward for correct behavior expectations and praising courteous behavior as expressed in TATS, but also moves backwards to highlight inappropriate behavior. One of the most effective uses I have seen and used of the brick move strategy is its use for positive discipline and reinforcement of behavior. Toss behavior policy for dealing with incidences of inappropriate behavior includes tactically ignore, acknowledge on-task behavior and privately and openly encourage positive behavior (TTS,2014,4) all focus on deferring negative behavior and reinforcing positive behavior through a brick move. I have used this within classes, rewarding the pupils showing expected behavior and have found it very effective as a BUM tool. I know positive discipline is a fantastic aid to establishing and maintaining both BAL and a PEEL and agree with Rogers, positive discipline isomer than ones use of language it is about creating the best environment and social climate for teaching and learning. (Rogers ,2007,52). The TTS state the classroom should be a safe and stimulating environment for pupils, rooted in mutual respect (UDF,2011,10). Teeming with ideas, this extract requires breaking down into three parts safety, stimulation and respect. I will address these in the next paragraphs to discuss strategies I will use to create a PEEL. Abraham Mascots Theory of Human Motivation (1943) is an influential theory when thinking about the importance of safety within a classroom to establish a PEEL. Mason spoke about a hierarchy of needs required by humans to succeed in fulfilling their potential something which has been debated time again by those working in schools. Mason states There are at least five sets of goals, which we may call basic needs. These are briefly physiological, safety, love, esteem, and self- actualization. (Mason,1943). It is widely agreed that Mascots basic needs must be met for a PEEL to be established, children learn more effectively when they feel better bout being in this group and coping with this work, when fundamental needs are being met. (Rogers,1998,226). Greenhorns discusses strategies for a safe atmosphere within schools in his publication The classics are hard to beat (2012), including, clear expectations around behavior, supported by consistent sanctions. I have already discussed BUM through rules and routines these are also fundamental to feel safe children know what to expect, therefore feel secure. Its also necessary for children to know what to expect from myself as a teacher, It is important for teachers of all ages ND experience to be clear about exactly who they errand what they expect from their pupils. (Dixie,2007,8). When I first covered classes, I didnt introduce myself or state any expectations of rules or behavior BUM was difficult and I was inconsistent with it I know the children didnt feel they were in a safe or secure environment. Through observing lessons, it became clear an established expectation and consistency from teachers was expected by the children this is what I will aim to project throughout my teacher training, Young people want certainty from the adults in their lives. They need you to create and enforce boundaries to give them a feeling of security. (Cooley,2010,9). Creating a safe environment within a classroom to establish a PEEL requires using the strategy of inclusion. Inclusion provides a feeling of safety and security through the idea that children feel comfortable in the knowledge that as a teacher I will ensure that they have full access to the curriculum, Lessons should be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving As a teacher, I am required to ensure Inclusion means enabling pupils to participate in the life and work of mainstream institutions to the est. of their abilities, whatever their needs (Dixie,2011 , 14), which suggests to create a PEEL inclusion must be linked with differentiation to create a safe environment. Differentiation maintains ITS B children are challenged within their own abilities and I should set high expectations for every pupil and plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard (UDF,2013,8). Inclusion and differentiation as strategies to establish a PEEL is a huge and varied group of ideas, from SEEN to GET children, deploying support staff effectively through focus roofs and one-to-one help as needed by ATSC, they are key tools which will able me to create a PEEL through engaging appropriate support systems. I will address ideas of stimulation within the classroom within the next paragraphs. As explored earlier, its important for children to feel safe and secure within a classroom to establish a PEEL my classroom will need to be a space that provides pupils with adequate light, heat and seating space and the opportunity to drink fluids, will hellhole pupils feel safe, secure, happy and ready to learn. This refers to Mascots idea that Asia needs of a person must be met a PEEL established, before they can fulfill their potential. The layout of a classroom is also important for BUM to create FL and a PEEL throughout wider reading I know there are many ways to structure a classroom I have thought about all as a strategy to create a PEEL and believe putting desks in groups in my Year 3 training year will be most effective. I will use rewards systems through table points, differentiate levels and set targets more effectively by grouping children of a similar ability together I will also be arranging my classroom so that I can get to ACH student quickly and easily without disturbing or moving others. Positive stimulation for a PEEL also comes through the effective use of displays within a classroom they are an invaluable tool and strategy for a teacher to promote positive messages that can be transmitted through the medium of effective collapsibility. (Dixie,2011 ,31). Classroom displays, if used effectively, suggest to pupils academic ideals, a positive attitude towards work and a reinforcement of an authority of rules, they can as TESTS states Encourage pupils to take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (UDF,2011 , 10). Displaying established classroom rules and routines will provide me as a trainee teacher, a tool and strategy to refer back to throughout the course of the year to ensure positive FL to maintain a PEEL. Stimulation within the classroom is also created through displays of children work by putting their work up on the wall I will be displaying exemplary work to be followed, bettered and create high expectations which children want to attain as per ITS. I will be setting targets for them to aspire to where They feel valued, they feel a sense of belonging, which in turn makes them feel happier about school. A happy child is a child who is less likely to cause disruption. (Dunn,2012,49), therefore a valuable strategy to create and maintain FL and a PEEL. Respect is the final part of the extract from the TTS I will look at, the idea that The development of a positive classroom climate depends on this relationship being two-way, your respect for pupils should be reciprocated in their respect for you, (Caribou,1998,70). Respect must be mutual for a PEEL to exist, as per DOTS At its heart, good behavior management is about good teacher/student relationships. I know as a teacher I am required to be knowledgeable about my students as stated by TESTS wrought educational means by having appropriate expectations and planning the correct level of work, but also understanding that behavior always has a reason and is quite often routed in the history of the child. I also believe that respect leads to a PEEL through consistent and fair teaching which takes us back to BUM and children knowing what to expect and what the teachers expectations are. Establishing a PEEL through respect should also be taught in the classroom, Students have to learn to accept that they are responsible for their behavior and its effect on others and the classroom environment. Rogers ,2008,153). Through being a respectful classroom, you can see that FL becomes positive, which in turn creates a PEEL. To close, I will address the idea of maintaining a PEEL through utilizing assessment effectively. Formative assessment as a strategy for PEEL can be seen in learning objectives, learning expectations, targets and many other means. Formative assessment links Joins the idea that in creating high expectations for pupils, a PEEL will be established as set out in ITS and the National Curriculum Teachers should use appropriate assessment to set targets which are deliberately ambitious. Targets also help your less able children feel a sense of achievement. (Cooley,2010,50) thus embedding the concept of a PEEL. As set out in ATSC, formative assessment can be used as a strategy to guide pupils to reflect on the progress they have made (UDF,2011,10). Both self, peer and teacher assessment through feedback, are amazing tools to create a PEEL through giving the responsibility of learning to the children, therefore Mascots idea that the creation of self esteem (through assessment) as a basic need allows children to fulfill their potential, The need to foster pupils self-esteem as learners is monumental to establishing a positive classroom climate, (Caribou,2008,73), therefore, The purpose of self- and peer-assessment is to help children to have a better understanding of assessment and therefore what constitutes progress and success.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Philosophy and Social Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Philosophy and Social Justice - Essay Example A social system is said to be just if its values are contrary to those systems that foster suffering, abuse, oppression, tyranny, discrimination, and prejudice. A just social system incorporates the government since solely the government does the distribution of services and resources. These services include education and health services. When the government provides a quality education, dependable health services and equitable distribution of resources to the populace without favor then we say we have a socially just society. A society where every citizen, whether rich, poor, powerful, or powerless is given an equal chance to thrive either in social, or economic aspects. In conclusion, a socially just society upholds the rights of its citizens as provided in the constitution. These rights may include right to shelter/housing, freedom of speech, freedom of association, equitable economical empowerment among others (Daniels, 2005). According to the Theory of Justice (Veil of Ignorance), Rawls argument is from a principled reconciliation of fairness and liberty. Ideologies of justice are used to guide the conduct of the parties. These groups face a little shortage, and they are not purely egoistic or naturally altruistic. They have a mission they seek to achieve, but prefer to achieve them through collaboration with others on mutually suitable conditions. Rawls gives a form of fairness in the choice within groups using principles of justice that are mutually acceptable. In such limitations, Rawls believes that the involved groups would find his preferred ideologies to be attractive, winning out over varied alternatives such as right-libertarian and utilitarian accounts. Rawls claims that ignorance to certain issues in the society will create fairness in the society; this he calls the original position. If a person does not know his future in his own imagined society, he is likely not giving
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Consumer Behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Consumer Behaviour - Essay Example As per definition, WOM refers to the process of oral communication between two individuals where the individuals increasingly communicate important values or related information pertaining to a particular category or brand. The advantage of WOM over standards methods of advertising is that the WOM marketing happens mostly through the process of communication of two individuals at a significantly lower price as compared to that of advertising. The word of mouth marketing has significantly high level of benefits on the development of the brand value for the product as well as the company2. For globally renowned Fiskars, it can be said that the company can leverage a lot of advantage out of the word of mouth marketing technique by maintaining high end quality for its products as well as introducing innovativeness in the product design. A vital point is that though the companyââ¬â¢s product mostly falls under the consumer durables category, it increasingly caters to three business areas like the home division, the garden division and the outdoor division. The products especially for the outdoor division are extremely critical in nature and needs supreme durability and consistency in quality. As a matter of fact, a highly reputed brand that provides consistent quality will automatically lead to higher sales especially for this division, if accompanied by the consumer driven word of mouth marketing tool3. There are significant steps that have to be followed by the company, in order prevent negative impact due to the word of mouth marketing for the companyââ¬â¢s products. A very important factor is the fact that the company needs to secure its distribution network across the global markets in the wake of various fluctuating scenarios of macro economic conditions. The company also needs to secure the flow of various raw materials
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Innovation in a market economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Innovation in a market economy - Essay Example Organizations cannot exist in the market with the conventional products alone. For example, think of a situation in which Microsoft sticking with its old operating system Windows 3 series alone at present. Everybody knows that Microsoft was able to keep its monopoly in the software industry purely because of their ability to innovate news products or incorporate new features to their existing products. Thus we got Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP, Vista like updated versions of windows. It is not possible for Microsoft to accommodate the requirements of the current world using their older versions of operating systems. The current facilities like video conferencing, video chat, high resolution graphics processing, internet, e-mail etc may not run its older versions of Windows. Thus innovation makes an organization capable of meeting the present challenges by updating their existing technologies. Innovation is needed even in formulating strategies. Same strategy may not work everywhere even if the product is the same. Parker Pen Company has tried to implement same marketing strategies to market their writing equipments all over the world at the beginning of their international campaign. They thought same product needs same marketing strategies everywhere. But they failed miserably because of the above strategy. ââ¬Å"Product may be the same, but may be differentâ⬠, Parker Pen Company failed to recognize the above fact. ââ¬Å"The idea of selling pens the same way everywhere did not sit well with many parker subsidiaries and distributors. Ã
Friday, November 15, 2019
Push and Pull Factors in Business
Push and Pull Factors in Business Companies decide to go global and enter international markets for a variety of reasons, and these different objectives at the time of entry should produce different strategies, performance goals, and even forms of market participation. However, companies often follow a standard market entry and development strategy. The most common is sometimes referred to as the ââ¬Å"increasing commitmentâ⬠method of market development, in which market entry is done via an independent local partner. As business and confidence grows, a switch to a directly controlled subsidiary is often enacted. This internationalization approach results from a desire to build a business in the country-market as quickly as possible and by an initial desire to minimize risk coupled with the need to learn about the country and market from a low base of knowledge. International markets evolve rapidly and very often companies struggle to keep up in terms of their strategy. It is therefore reasonable to deduce that many companiesââ¬â¢ international operations will consist of a collage of country market operations that pursue different objectives at any one time. This, in turn, suggests that most companies would adopt different entry modes for different markets. More commonly, however, is for companies to evolve a template that is followed in almost all markets. This usually starts with market entry via an indirect distribution channel, usually a local independent distributor or agent. Factors leading to wide acceptability of international business: The factors leading to the wide acceptability of international business are: Globalization of economics: The policy of liberalization was adopted which led to the globalization of various economics including the former communist countries and socialist pattern of the society. The globalization of economics has been instrumental in the growth of international business. Rapid technological advancement: Many firms have emerged up with innovated products or with improved process technology. With the demand for such products and technology being price-inelastic, these firms have moved abroad in order to reap large profits. The development of information technology has bought different countries closer and has encouraged firms to move abroad with the minimum of difficulties. Establishment of WTO: In todayââ¬â¢s highly competitive globalized business environment, WTO is indispensable enables a country to attain the status of MFN clause which is required for scaling the international competitiveness and it implies that any concession given to any nation becomes available to all the member countries. Enlargement of European Union: Since 1991 the membership of EU has increased. It increased from 15 members to 27 members. This has also led to the promotion of internationalization of business. Increase in Competition: With increasing competition, firms have preferred not only to source raw material and intermediate goods from the least-cost country but also to set up their units in different countries, which minimises the cost of operation and reduces financial risk. The growing concept of cost minimization and risk reduction, with a view to surviving in a competitive environment, has led to rapid growth of the internationalization process. Higher growth rate of GDP in developing countries: Higher growth rate of GDP of China, India, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Brazil and Mexico and other developing countries has also been one of the significant factors for changing scenario of international business. Increase in business alliance In degree and variety: During last 15 years international business alliances, joint ventures, mergers, amalgamations and takeovers have occurred in the world by the companies of different countries. This has further led to widening of international business. Increase in educational and career orientation opportunities: These factors resulted in enhancement of opportunities for higher value addition in developing countries. The developing countries started attracting multinational companies to establish their businesses in their countries. Why companies engage in international business? There are several drivers of international business. The driving forces that motivate companies to go global can be classified into pull forces and push forces. The pull forces are proactive which pull the business to foreign markets. The push forces on the other hand are reactive forces which promote the companies to go international. Pull/ Proactive Forces- Attractiveness of the Foreign Markets: Profit advantage due to increase in volume: For companies, mostly in the developed countries, which have been operating below their capacities, the developing markets offer immense opportunities to increase their sales and profits. Low wage/ cheap labour attraction: Many multinational companies (MNCs) are locating their subsidiaries in low wage and low cost countries to take advantage of low cost production. Taking advantage of growth opportunities: MNCs are getting increasingly interested in a number of developing countries as the income and population are rapidly rising in these countries. Foreign markets, in both developed country and developing country, provide enormous growth opportunities for the developing country firms too. Growth of regional trading blocs: Regional trading blocs are adding to the pace of globalization. WTO, EU, NAFTA, MERCOSUR and FTAA are major alliances among the countries. Trading blocs seek to promote international business by removing trade and investment barriers. Integration among countries results in efficient allocation of resources throughout the trading area, promoting growth of some business and decline of others, development of new technologies and products, and elimination of old. Declining trade and investment barriers: Declining trade and investment barriers have vastly contributed to globalization. The free trade regime, business across the globe has grown considerably. Goods, services, capital and technology are moving across the nations significantly. Push/ Reactive Forces- Compulsion of the Domestic Market: Saturation of domestic demand: The market for a number of products tends to saturate or decline in the advanced countries. This often happens when the market potential has been almost fully tapped. For example, the fall in the birth rate implies contraction of market for several baby products. Businesses undertake international operations in order to expand sales, acquire resources from foreign countries, or diversify their activities to discover the lucrative opportunities in other countries. Scale economies and technological revolution: Economies of scale are reductions in unit production costs resulting from large-scale operations. The technological advances have increased the size of the optimum scale of operation substantially in many industries making it necessary to- have foreign market, in addition to the domestic market, to take advantage of scale economies. Technological revolution: Revolution is a right word which can best describe the pace at which technology has changed in the recent past and is continuing to change. Significant developments are being witnessed in communication, transportation and information processing, including the emergence of the internet and the World Wide Web. Domestic recession: Domestic recession often provokes companies to explore foreign markets. One of the factors which prompted the Hindustan Machine Ltd. (HMT) to take up exports very seriously was the recession in the home market in the late 1960s. Competition as driving force: Competition may become a driving force behind internationalization. There might be intense competition in the home market but little in certain foreign countries. A protected market does not normally motivate companies to seek business outside the home market. Government policies and regulations: Government policies and regulations may also motivate internationalization. There are both positive and negative factors which could cause internationalization. Many governments offer a number of incentives and other positive support to domestic companies to export and to invest in foreign investment. Improving image of the companies: International business has certain spin-offs too. It may help the company to improve its domestic business; international business helps to improve the image of the company. There may be the ââ¬Ëwhite skinââ¬â¢ advantage associated with exporting- when domestic consumers get to know that the company is selling a significant portion of the production abroad, they will be more inclined to buy from such a company. Strategic vision: The systematic and growing internationalisation of many companies is essentially a part of their business policy or dtrategic management. The stimulus for internationalisation comes from the urge to grow, the need to become more competitive, the need to diversify and to gain strategic advantages of internationalisation. Importance of International Business: High living standards: Comparative cost theory indicates that the countries which have the advantage of raw materials, human resources, natural resources and climatic conditions in producing particular goods can produce the products at low cost and also of high quality. Increased Socio-Economic Welfare: International business enhances consumption level, and economic welfare of the people of the trading countries. For example, the people of China are now enjoying a variety of products of various countries than before as China has been actively involved in international business like Coca-Cola, McDonaldââ¬â¢s range of products, electronic products of Japan and coffee from Brazil. Wider Market: International business widens the market and increase the market size. Therefore, the companies need not depend on the demand for the product in a single country or customerââ¬â¢s tastes and preferences of a single country. Reduced effect of Business Cycles: The stages of business cycles vary from country to country. Therefore, MNCs shift from the country, experiencing a recession to the country experiencing ââ¬Ëboomââ¬â¢ conditions. Thus, international business firms can escape from the recessionary conditions. Reduced risks: Both commercial and political risks are reduced for the companies engaged in international business due to spread in different countries. Large scale economies: Multinational companies due to wider and larger markets produce larger quantities, which provide the benefit of large-scale economies like reduced cost of production, availability of expertise, quality, etc. Potential untapped markets: International business provides the chance of exploring and exploiting the potential markets which are untapped so far. These markets provide the opportunity of selling the product at a higher price than in domestic markets. Provides the opportunity for and challenge to domestic business: International business firms provide the opportunities to the domestic companies. These opportunities include technology, management expertise, market intelligence, product developments, etc. Division of labour and specialisation: International business leads to division of labour and specialisation. Brazil specializes in coffee, Kenya in tea, Japan in automobiles and electronics. India in textiles garments, etc. Economic growth of the World: Specialisation, division of labour, enhancement of productivity, posing challenges, development to meet them, innovations and creations to meet the competition lead to overall economic growth of the world nations. Optimum and proper utilisation of World Resources: International business provides for the flow of raw materials, natural resources and human resources from the countries where they are in excess supply to those countries which are in short supply or need most. Cultural Transformation: International business benefits are not purely economical or commercial; they are even social and cultural. It does not mean that the good cultural factors and values of the East are acquired by the West and vice versa. Thus, there is a close cultural transformation and integration. Knitting the World into a Closely Interactive Traditional Village: International business ultimately knits the global economies, societies and countries into a closely interactive and traditional village where one is for all and all are for one.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Appreciation Due to Death :: Life Dying Essays
Appreciation due to Death Since the day the first man was created and then destroyed, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their attitude towards life changes. They soon come to understand that the gift of life is to be appreciated and not taken for granted. Yulisa Amadu Maddy and T.S. Eliot are two writers who through their literature prove that death can change a personââ¬â¢s outlook on life. Both of these authors, however, express this theory differently. For instance Maddy, author of No Past, No Present, No Future, portrays this theory through the life stories of three very different African boys. Whether it is someone they care for or themselves, each one of these boys, throughout their life, is confronted or threatened by death. The story of Joe Bengohââ¬â¢s life is one example of how Maddy shows that death can teach a person to appreciate life. Maddy begins Joeââ¬â¢s life story by showing readers his attitude towards life. He portrays it as an unappreciative and non-caring attitude. A reader knows this because in the beginning of the book Maddy describes how Joeââ¬â¢s drunken parents died in a house fire. When Joe finds out about this tragic event, he reacts by stating that "My father destroyed my mother; my mother inveighed against my father. Thank God they are dead"(4). By reading this, a reader can come to the conclusion that Joe despises his parents, doe s not care that they are gone, and has no appreciation for his life or anyone elseââ¬â¢s. If he appreciated life, then he either would have felt sorry that the parents he hates lost their lives or he would have been thankful for not being in the fire. But Joe did not express any of these emotions; therefore meaning that he does not appreciate life. This ungrateful and unappreciative attitude of his, however, does not last. A number of life-threatening and mortal loss events happen to him. All of these events are the beginning stages to changing Joeââ¬â¢s outlook on life. They leave strong emotional and mental impacts on him, and force him to understand how to appreciate the life he is granted with. For example, it begins with the Mary incident. One summer Joe stayed at Ade Johnââ¬â¢s house and there they met a young, innocent girl named Mary. Appreciation Due to Death :: Life Dying Essays Appreciation due to Death Since the day the first man was created and then destroyed, a theory about life has been made. Everyday people take their lives for granted. But after they have faced mortal loss or life-threatening situations, their attitude towards life changes. They soon come to understand that the gift of life is to be appreciated and not taken for granted. Yulisa Amadu Maddy and T.S. Eliot are two writers who through their literature prove that death can change a personââ¬â¢s outlook on life. Both of these authors, however, express this theory differently. For instance Maddy, author of No Past, No Present, No Future, portrays this theory through the life stories of three very different African boys. Whether it is someone they care for or themselves, each one of these boys, throughout their life, is confronted or threatened by death. The story of Joe Bengohââ¬â¢s life is one example of how Maddy shows that death can teach a person to appreciate life. Maddy begins Joeââ¬â¢s life story by showing readers his attitude towards life. He portrays it as an unappreciative and non-caring attitude. A reader knows this because in the beginning of the book Maddy describes how Joeââ¬â¢s drunken parents died in a house fire. When Joe finds out about this tragic event, he reacts by stating that "My father destroyed my mother; my mother inveighed against my father. Thank God they are dead"(4). By reading this, a reader can come to the conclusion that Joe despises his parents, doe s not care that they are gone, and has no appreciation for his life or anyone elseââ¬â¢s. If he appreciated life, then he either would have felt sorry that the parents he hates lost their lives or he would have been thankful for not being in the fire. But Joe did not express any of these emotions; therefore meaning that he does not appreciate life. This ungrateful and unappreciative attitude of his, however, does not last. A number of life-threatening and mortal loss events happen to him. All of these events are the beginning stages to changing Joeââ¬â¢s outlook on life. They leave strong emotional and mental impacts on him, and force him to understand how to appreciate the life he is granted with. For example, it begins with the Mary incident. One summer Joe stayed at Ade Johnââ¬â¢s house and there they met a young, innocent girl named Mary.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
A day without technology Essay
How would you feel a day without using any technology? Living without technology will be totally impossible as this has become every dayââ¬â¢s application as more and more people are gaining knowledge on how to make use of the communication tools to improve their ways of living and staying informed on the current technology to avoid being left behind. New technologies are being developed daily which shows that the industry will continue to grow and expand. People will continue using these technologies to improve their standards and to stay informed. Technology has influenced us in so many positive ways, from providing cellphones that can be used in the house, to around the world and provide so many other great features. With technology advancing every day the Market comes out with new phones with the latest styles. Now days a flip phone would be considered perhaps the plainest phone there is out there. When I was in elementary school I remember the first cell phone I saw was a medium grey phone that has a simple green background screen with black font. Couple months later, I recall my uncle buying a gray flip phone. This cell phone had a camera and had color. I thought it was way nicer then the first phone I had seen. As we see now flip phones are out, and the market hits us with more and more advanced phones. Like for example the touchscreens, androids, and the iPhoneââ¬â¢s. As all this technology advances we want to get the latest and ask for more. Around the early 2000ââ¬â¢s middle school students were rare to have cellphones. If we take a look now we see the elementary children even have cell phones. This has changed a lot throughout the years. My older sister which is now 23 years old never had a cell phone while living at home. I received my first phone when I was in 9th grade. My younger sister which is only 12 years old got her cellphone when she was started 6th grade. As we can see even the younger ones want the latest. thanks
Friday, November 8, 2019
Marijuana is good essays
Marijuana is good essays Mairjuana is a drug that has been with us for quite awhile. It was used in ancient China and India for pain relief, tension relief and anxiety problems. Over the course of time, the drug made its way from other countries, such as India and China, and came to the US. A user of this drug will feel the effects anywhere from a few seconds of smoking it to about ten minutes. Its chemicals go into the lungs, then get dispersed into the bloodstream. The user then gets a feeling of being high or stoned. After these effects wear off the user is left feeling tired, hungry, lazy, weary, unmotivated, and a little depressed. This is the burnt stage. It can take up to a week to get the entire effect from the drug out of your system. Marijuana is a plant, and like any other plant needs special cares and needs to get the plant grown. Different fertilizers, soils, and nutrients are used to grow a plant. The better one takes care of the plant, the more potent the product from that plant will be. In the 19030s the government classified marijuana as a schedule I drug. Other schedule I drugs are; Heroin, Peyote, Mescaline, and LSD or Acid. A definition of a schedule I drug is one that is dangerous, likely to case harm, and lacking perceived medical use. Since then marijuana users have faced jail time, community service, and/or expensive fines. Marijuana is used today to relax people and/or around other people to enhance a social event. It is ninety percent of the time smoked both by being placed in a bowl or bong, or it can be rolled up in cigarette papers and smoked like a cigarette. It also can be cooked into different foods to digest the drug. This produces the same effect, it just takes longer to kick in. Marijuana can cost anywhere from forty to nine-hundred dollars an ounce. It is usually packaged in plastic bags. Annually we spend roughly 1.3 million dollars on this illicit drug. When one uses this drug for an e...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on William Bradford Vs John Smith
Graham Anderson 2/07/02 William Bradford vs. John Smith It does not take close scrutiny to see that both John Smithââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬Å"A Description of New England,â⬠and the excerpts from Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford, are both a collogue of elaborated ad dilated truths. Obviously, one cannot ââ¬Å"kill in one day with his hook and line one, two, or three hundred codsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ as John Smith stated on page 21. Or overlook the exaggeration of William Bradford when he said about the Indians ââ¬Å"the barbarians showed them no small kindness in refreshing them, but these savage barbarians, when they met them were readier to fill their sides with arrows than otherwiseâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ One must in this reading look to all sources and beneath the covering of opinions to find the real truth. Looking at these writings it must be taken into consideration that both men were writing from different perspectives, and for different reasons. William Bradford for instance, had just come ashore to an unknown land during the height of winter. After completing a three month voyage with roughly 120 people on a ship that was only 90 feet long and 23 feet wide, and loosing his wife along the way, an ill outlook on life is better a state than many would have in his situation. Later on however, Bradford makes another statement saying that ââ¬Å"others were exercised in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good storeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ and ââ¬Å"besides water foul there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took plentyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ page 20. It seems that Bradford made his comments too quickly, and turned his judgment another way. John Smith wrote in his essay on page 21, ââ¬Å"Here nature and liberty afford us that which in England we want, or it costs us dearly.â⬠In his essay Smith elaborates thickly upon small truths to get his sales pitch heard. Luckily for him readers in England at the time knew only what they heard from d... Free Essays on William Bradford Vs John Smith Free Essays on William Bradford Vs John Smith Graham Anderson 2/07/02 William Bradford vs. John Smith It does not take close scrutiny to see that both John Smithââ¬â¢s essay ââ¬Å"A Description of New England,â⬠and the excerpts from Of Plymouth Plantation, by William Bradford, are both a collogue of elaborated ad dilated truths. Obviously, one cannot ââ¬Å"kill in one day with his hook and line one, two, or three hundred codsâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ as John Smith stated on page 21. Or overlook the exaggeration of William Bradford when he said about the Indians ââ¬Å"the barbarians showed them no small kindness in refreshing them, but these savage barbarians, when they met them were readier to fill their sides with arrows than otherwiseâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ One must in this reading look to all sources and beneath the covering of opinions to find the real truth. Looking at these writings it must be taken into consideration that both men were writing from different perspectives, and for different reasons. William Bradford for instance, had just come ashore to an unknown land during the height of winter. After completing a three month voyage with roughly 120 people on a ship that was only 90 feet long and 23 feet wide, and loosing his wife along the way, an ill outlook on life is better a state than many would have in his situation. Later on however, Bradford makes another statement saying that ââ¬Å"others were exercised in fishing, about cod and bass and other fish, of which they took good storeâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ and ââ¬Å"besides water foul there was great store of wild turkeys, of which they took plentyâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ page 20. It seems that Bradford made his comments too quickly, and turned his judgment another way. John Smith wrote in his essay on page 21, ââ¬Å"Here nature and liberty afford us that which in England we want, or it costs us dearly.â⬠In his essay Smith elaborates thickly upon small truths to get his sales pitch heard. Luckily for him readers in England at the time knew only what they heard from d...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Conflict - Essay Example Confidence is one of the key principles that guide my conflict handling approach. I always try my best to exude high level of confidence in dealing with conflicting issues. The major step towards having confidence is to evaluate the situation at hand, approach it with calmness and composure and have an open-minded approach (Kellett, 2007). While handling a conflict, I always fight the negative overtones to ensure that I do not appear fearful or panicky, while getting ready to compromise in the event it is necessary to do so that to achieve the conflict resolution. Therefore, one of the main strengths in handling conflicts is trying to control emotions and display confidence, which serves to show the other party that one is able to resolve the issues at hand, otherwise one may send out a message of weakness in a conflict situation (Dana, 2001). Another of my strength that works well in handling conflicts is open-mindedness, which allows me to approach a conflicting situation aware tha t there are different ways of bring the conflict to a resolution, and thus prepare for any of the ways. open-mindedness is a crucial approach towards resolving a conflict, since it opens various avenues through which individuals can handle the conflict, as opposed to rigidity, which makes individuals to approach a situation with only one expectation, an aspect that makes conflict resolution even harder, and may even accelerate the conflict, since rigid individuals do not leave any chance of compromise and negotiation (Lansford, 2008). Another of my strength in conflict resolution is the fact that I am considerate. This is an important character in conflict resolution, since it allows me to put into consideration all the issues that the other parties to the conflict are raising, and effectively come up with an agreement that is favorable to all the parties. Nevertheless, there are several areas that I need to enhance, to become well equipped for conflict handling. One such area is to lerance. I have very little tolerance for arrogance, something that can make me react without sufficient consideration. This ends-up creating even more problems. Therefore, tolerance to arrogance is one of the areas that I require to enhance, so that I can react calmly to people who are arrogant, since calmness and tolerance are major milestones towards conflict resolution (Tidwell, 2001). Another area that I need to enhance is patience. Whenever a conflict arises, I have the tendency of seeking for an instant solution, other than giving the whole situation time, and reverting to address it later. This has always made conflict resolution an onerous task for me, since being haste means that the people involved in a conflict will handle it out of their emotional imbalance, thus may not easily come to an amicable solution. While individuals take time to cool off and then handle a conflict, there are higher chances of getting to an agreement, since both parties are calm, sober and willi ng to listen, as opposed to where individuals are handling conflict with feelings of anger, resentment and emotional instability (Wandberg, 2001). There is a great need of taking personal responsibility for ones feelings (Kellett, 2007). This is because, taking responsibility means that an individual is in a good position to control their feelings, while also reasoning and considering other partiesââ¬â¢ points of view (Lansford, 2008). This makes it easy to reach an agreement and
Friday, November 1, 2019
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) - The Assignment
The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) - The International Corporate Reporting Issues - Assignment Example Wood and Sangster (2008) highlights that the IASC was initially founded by an Accountantââ¬â¢s International Study Group particularly in 1973. The IASB is an international but independent accounting setting body. Soon after becoming the international accounting standards setting body, the members of IASB finalized and decided to discuss, develop, in the global public interest, a single set of high quality international accounting standards. (About Us, n.d.). However, as IASB is UK-based and its standards are mostly applied to the UK based corporations, the U.S. corporations follow the accounting standards by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). The globalization and increase in cross border transactions necessited both boards to work closely and issue collective international accounting standards. This process begins the convergence between the IASB and the FASB particularly in 2002 Norfolk agreement, where both regulatory bodies developed a consensus to develop and is sues a set of high quality compatible standards (Carmona and Trombetta, 2010). However, there exist various challenges that make it substantially difficult for the both bodies to ensure the global but uniform application of the international accounting standards. ... Since the IASB possesses no legal backing to implement its own developed international accounting standards, it would be substantially difficult for the IASB to ensure and monitor the global recognition and uniform application of the IFRS. Ironically, soon after the establishment of the IASC in the United Kingdom, the foundation of the FASB took place in the U.S. it would not be incorrect to say that the creation of the FASB was a counter measure to the existence and function of the IASC. Moreover, in the same year 1973, the FASB developed and drafted its own accounting standards and issued within the United States. Consistently, the FASB has been developing the Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP) as a counter measures for the IASs being produced by the IASB till the year of 2002. Furthermore, the FASB works as a competitor to the IASB. Both have agreed to the IFRS would be implemented in the United States of America by the end of 2015. This is an endeavour to introduce th e global uniform application and practice of the IFRS and this would bring a forward step toward the attainment of the global application and practice of the international accounting frameworks and standards. However, this global and uniform application received a severe blow when the FASB independently and separately outlined, developed and published its own vision on how to carry out the process of reforms in the accounting of financial instruments (Veron, 2010). Also, the IASC Foundation has been widely criticized on its approach towards entertaining its mission. In this regard, the European banking sector highlights its reservations over the certain announcements of the IASC. Consequently, it has heightened hostitlity between the two; the hostility becomes
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